Today, we reset our points to 0. We are starting over tomorrow to work towards earning a ticket with a specific reward. This type of positive reinforcement has been proven to work with behavior management with young children. Once a student receives 20 points, they can pick a ticket from my Dojo Ticket Collection. The tickets reward them with a specific prize. They currently have 8 different tickets to choose from: use a special pen for writing all day, bring in a stuffed animal for a day, pick a prize from Mr. Heatwole's treasure box, pick a book from our library for me to read aloud, get extra computer time, wear the dojo master hat for the day, be a line jumper (jump ahead of other students in line), or bring in something for show and tell. Your child will also bring home a little certificate letting you know they reached the 20 point benchmark. Once they pick a ticket, their points will be reset to 0 and they can start earning towards another 20 points and another ticket.
In addition, when our class earns 200 points as a whole, we will have a Dojo Party with a special treat.
The kids are excited to start earning points tomorrow and I'm excited too see them grow with Dojo.
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