
Thursday, December 17, 2015

I will be out next week....

I wanted to let you know that I will be out next week.  My son is coming home from college and having surgery on Monday, so I am taking those three days off to be with him. 
My sub is Ms. Silbiger.  She has been here before and in kindergarten many times.  Your children know her and are always happy to see her.
As for the kids, they will be enjoying a couple of days rotating between the kindergarten classrooms for fun winter activities!

Have a great winter vacation.
Mrs. Goldberg

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A Great Field Trip

We had a great time at Tobys Theatre today.  We saw The True Story Of The Three Little Pigs.  Your child could tell you the story but just in case...The wolf was making a cake for his granny and needed a cup of sugar.  He went to his neighbors house (the first pig in a house of straw).  He didn't answer.  Just then the wolf felt a sneeze coming on so he huffed and he snuffed and when he sneezed, he blew the house down, killing the pig.  So he ate him.  Ironically, the same thing happened at the second little pigs house which was build with sticks.  At the third pigs house, remember the wolf still needed his sugar, he was huffing and snuffling and the cops came to see what the commotion was.  The wolf was arrested.  The play today was a continuation of the book.  It was the trial of the wolf.  We heard from the third little pig and and an eye witness and from the wolf.  At the end of the trial, we got to vote whether we thought the wolf was innocent or guilty.  We voted not guilty so the the play ended with the wolf being set free.
Image result for the true story of the three little pigs

Monday, December 14, 2015

Toby's Theatre Field Trip

Tomorrow, December 15.

I will have a snack for the kids when we get there so need to pack one.  We will be back for lunch.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Seed Experiment

We are starting our seed experiment today.  We wrote the materials needed in our experiment journal yesterday.  Today we will write our hypothesis and plant the seeds.  Some seeds will get water and sunlight, some just water and some just light.  Its a long process, hopefully we will see some growth before winter break.  If not, I'll take them home and bring them back so we can see the seeds grow full cycle.  We will record our observations in our journals and then write our conclusion.


To celebrate our last day with our teddy bears, we are having pajama day tomorrow.  Have your child come to school in their pajamas (no slippers, please).

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Gingerbread Cookies

Next week we will be decorating gingerbread cookies with our reading buddies - Ms. Taylor's 3rd graders.  We are purchasing the cookies but asking both classes to donate either icing or bags of candy.  If you are able to, please send in a tube of white or colored icing or a bag of candy like skittles, m&ms or licorice by Wednesday, Dec. 16.


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Upcoming News

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving weekend.  Despite being sick, it was nice to be with family and friends.

December is a busy month for us.  You should receive an email with dates for mystery reader sign ups. Please sign up for only one slot to leave room for all our parents who would like to come in.

Our reading and writing continues with nonfiction work this week.   We are reading and writing about bodies of water and land forms - tying this into our social studies curriculum.  We are continuing with measurement in math, moving onto weight.

On Friday, we will be joining the rest of the school to watch and listen to our winter choral concert.

Please return the permission slip and money for our field trip. Have a great week!