
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A Great Field Trip

We had a great time at Tobys Theatre today.  We saw The True Story Of The Three Little Pigs.  Your child could tell you the story but just in case...The wolf was making a cake for his granny and needed a cup of sugar.  He went to his neighbors house (the first pig in a house of straw).  He didn't answer.  Just then the wolf felt a sneeze coming on so he huffed and he snuffed and when he sneezed, he blew the house down, killing the pig.  So he ate him.  Ironically, the same thing happened at the second little pigs house which was build with sticks.  At the third pigs house, remember the wolf still needed his sugar, he was huffing and snuffling and the cops came to see what the commotion was.  The wolf was arrested.  The play today was a continuation of the book.  It was the trial of the wolf.  We heard from the third little pig and and an eye witness and from the wolf.  At the end of the trial, we got to vote whether we thought the wolf was innocent or guilty.  We voted not guilty so the the play ended with the wolf being set free.
Image result for the true story of the three little pigs

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